Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Surgery is finished

Update 2:10: they have completed surgery & the surgeon is now talking to mom and Jeff! They said that Malaya is doing good right now. Malaya is definitely staying in ICU tonight which is normal because they want to keep a very close watch on her. They said she may have to stay in ICU for more than one night depending on how Malaya is! Please pray that when Malaya wakes up that she will have peace & comfort! Thank you all for your prayers! Please continue!


From Ingrid: Update of this morning:  They took Malaya back between 8:30 and 9:00 and due to her complications of her veins...they were unable to draw blood last night so that has to be done first which takes 45 minutes.  After match, is made and blook supply is in the room ready, along with everything else...it possibly will be 2 hours from when the initial start of surgery is! Anesthesia has just come to us to sign the release for them to do the central line! Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!!! I have so much faith in ya'lls prayers!! Ya'll have carried us thru this! YES!!!! All of you are a part of this so PRAY!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!  Ingrid and Jeff
We've had a little complication getting this posted so during this time, they have paged and informed us that central line is in and Malaya is still doing fine. Surgery should start soon! 

Malaya Sends this Message Out so As You Read Look at this Angel as if she is speaking out to You! If only you could have experienced first-hand to see the peace that God has carried her thru with! In spite of the meds that normally bring on fuzziness and hyperness and lack of hunger...Malaya has continued with her nature from when she was born. Not a moment of crying unless she was enduring pain! It has amazed my spirit and warmed my heart!
The word of the Lord came to me, saying "before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Alas, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am too young." But the Lord said to me"Do not say, "I am too young." You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declared the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "I have put my words in your mouth. See, TODAY I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."
GOD ...you have already used Malaya to live out your word! She has done more in a week than some of us have in a lifetime! God, bless the people of Belmont & all around the world who "Set the Atmosphere" for You and Your angels last night at 7:00! It was no coincidence that the nurse had failed to bring me the consent form yday and when she finally did and I signed it and looked at the clock to write it down on the form ... it was 7:00!!!! God I am believing that as I signed that consent form to hand her over & your people started crying out with sincere hearts ...that You looked upon us with a glad heart for Your Will was being done thru all your saints! And this little baby girl that You hand picked to be the strong one to lead Your people...will have Your mercy and grace on her during surgery! God, Jeff and I have failed you  Miserably and God we recognize how our disobedience as a parent, as an individual, as a friend has brought us to this mountain before us! God, we ask that You search our heart today, that if ANYTHING is in it that is not of You, God if its pride bitterness unforgiveness anger ...whatever DELIVER US TODAY! LET YOUR PRAYER WARRIORS SEEK THEIR HEARTS FOR ANYTHING SO THAT THIS REQUEST DOESNT GO UNANSWERED! Dig deep down in our heart soul and spirit and my prayer is that all You see is Sincerity & Obedience!! God you have said in Your Word to come with a sincere heart and You will answer! Let Your people know the seriousness of this request! God You have convicted and Humbled Jeff and I , not just to our knees...but our faces planted down at Your feet crying out for Your touch! You came down so mighty in Malayas room this morning! I had an intervention of Your touch like never before! And I will claim again and testify before Your people that as a Mother and Jeff as a Father, as hard as it is to grasp the strength to speak these words out, we speak them out to Your People...."WE THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING MALAYA TO BE YOUR MIGHTY SERVANT! WE THANK YOU FOR THE LIVES SHE IS TOUCHING! WE THANK YOU FOR THIS MOMENT THAT HAS CHANGED OUR DIRECTION OF LIFE AND HOW WE THINK AND HOW WE SERVE YOU! WE THANK YOU THAT IT WAS US THAT YOU PICKED TO BE HER PARENTS! WE THANK YOU FOR THIS TERRIBLE HORRIBLE TIME IN OUR LIFE BECAUSE YOU HAVE FOREVER MORE SHINED YOURSELF UPON OUR FACES THAT WE WILL NEVER BE BLINDED BY THE WORLD & BUSYNESS THAT SATAN USES TO CONFUSE & DISTRACT US! Move God! MOVE GOD! MOVE GOD TODAY ON YOUR PEOPLE SO THAT YOUR PLAN IS BEING DONE ACCORDINGLY! MOVE ON YOUR THE DOCTORS AND NURSES THAT YOU HAND PICKED! WE THANK YOU FOR GOD-BELIEVING PEOPLE IN THAT SURGERY ROOM THAT ALLOWED OUR PEAYER CLOTH BLANKET TO BE IN THE ROOM! WE STAND ON YOUR PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING TODAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS! THE BLOOD IS APPLIED AND SATAN IS BOUND IN JESUS NAME! AMEN & AMEN!

11:00 a.m. Surgery has started.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thank you

To all who came out to the Prayer Meeting, for those that held their own prayer meeting, to those that chose 7 p.m. to pray for Malaya tonight, and to the Belmont Police Department; Thank you so very much! It was amazing at the number of people who came out tonight for such a special cause. Bless you all!

Info on the hospital

Mailing address for the hospital:
Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children
1600 7th Avenue South,
Birmingham, AL 35233.
physical address is 1601 5th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233
visiting hours are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Please be sure to check with your nurse for complete visitation guidelines.
Everyone entering the Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children MUST have one of the following: Patient ID bracelet, Employee ID badge, Vendor badge or a Guest sticker. Guest stickers and information about vendor badges are available at the Information Desks.

Malaya's Surgery Plan

Dr. Rozzelle met with us this morning and went over very thoroughly what is ahead of us. His plan is Anesthesia will get her about 7:30 and bring her down to pediatric surgery floor.  Anesthesia explained to us that this time can vary depending on the changes made 'today' on cases that come in.  Malaya, as of right now, is case #2 so depending how his surgery goes with #1, also depends on the timing that Malaya actually goes back. She will most likely go straight to ICU afterwards but if all goes well, she may simply go to recovery room. Thank You Lord for your perfect timing again...this hospital opened this new facility on August 4th and this facility has "family friendly" ICU units so that I can stay right beside her and not have to wait on visiting times! I know I am about to start on alot of information so Lord I just pray for your people right now, as they read You will fill them with a sound mind...I speak clarity into their understanding so that their prayers are exact and specific! I believe this is so important in prayer, You want us to be specific! Just like a dear friend reminded me that, yes God has given us the power to speak to this tumor to be removed but also speak to it to be detached!!! So that Malaya's little brain, veins , glands ... All that you created her with Lord, stays in tact! Please pray for us today, to consume this information about our sweet baby in a healthy spiritual way, not a fearful and doubtful way! Keep our eyes on You God and not on the visual of what is going to happen to our baby through surgery!
Okay...his incision will start at the front of Malaya's right ear(face side) and will direct all the way back in an upward way to the top of her head then along the center of her hairline in the front. He will lay this area back and lift the brain and enter under the brain and optic nerve and go between the frontal and temporal lobes. Although the tumor is centralized, it does tend to appear to be more to the right. His reason to think this is because it is very clear in the MRI that  the hypothalamus and the pituitary stalk are within this mass. It is not clear if either/or is attached but the pituitary stalk does run through it.
Risk 1:
With the pituitary gland being our 'master gland' for hormones, the stalk in which the brain sends signals through to the gland is extremely important! Prayer warriors please send prayers up specifically to this area and command this tumor to not bring forth danger during surgery! Apply the blood of Jesus over every vein vessel artery and specifically the pituitary stalk and hypothalamus! The doctor stressed that any movement of him in there trying to remove can cause pressure to this stalk with the end result being that it would be impossible to keep. This will cause hormone problems for the rest of her life, in which meds would be an extreme important part of every day living! There are several hormones but the main one of concern for Malaya would be the salt & water level, if these levels are not perfect it can cause alot of problems, can even be fatal. Another is her growth hormone. If the hypothalamus becomes injured during surgery, it can cause affects on her hunger. She will always be hungry. He has seen cases where parents had to lock food up due to the extreme eating disorder. Bottom line is that Malaya would not be able to regulate her own hormones.
Risk 2:
There are optic nerves crossing over to pituitary gland. In the event of his movement of removing can cause any of these to snap and end result would be possible blindness. We speak the power of the blood of Jesus into these nerves to stay strong!
Risk 3:
Blood vessels are already stretched in areas so again, if any are snapped, a possible stroke could occur and cause problems for that side of her body, such as arms, legs and face structure.  We have already prayed for Your hands, God, to move in the doctors hands and for You to give him a sound mind, the mind of Christ! Let his actions be just as precise and perfect as Your timing ALWAYS is! In Jesus Name!
Risk 4:
Just working around vessels can cause tear and if an aneurism is formed during this, then of course it will be kept up with through imaging on her follow up appointments.
Other potential risks are:
Blood transfusion
Chance of infection
Develop hydrocephalus...excess water accumulation in or around the brain
Our potential risks are in Your hands God and we bind any entrance of satan that come into these risks! Every evil plan he has, we call it void and null In the Name of Jesus! Satan you cannot and will not cross the blood line...in Jesus Name.
Anesthesia Review:
Malaya will have 3 IVs ... A central line, most likely in neck but could have to be placed in another locations such as chest and leg, anesthesia will decide once they get in there. Then another IV, again location determined by anesthesia. An arterial line, placed mostly in a hand or foot. This line is essential for blood pressure monitoring and great to draw blood from along with so much more that anesthesia can sit and look at a monitor to show them ANY activity that should not be going on! There will be a breathing tube in her that will control her oxygen and gas. This tube is essential in brain surgeries to give doctors what they need for the brain such as dioxide. This tube will most likely be left in until she is absolutely in the clear and to not be alarmed when we see her because it is just a precaution and expect swelling of her face due to the placement of her head and body being face down for best access to the tumor location.
We speak YOUR preciseness and perfectness into the anesthesiologists and the nurse who will be right by Malaya's side from beginning to end! Let Their Eyes be Your eyes in Jesus Name!
The tumor itself:
***Some tumors are soupy and can be "sucked" out.
***Some tumors can be fleshy & more consistency in which they have specific tools to cut &    remove with.
***If malignant, chemotherapy is always first option and children seem to do well. Wants to stay away from radiation at all possible.
***If benign, the brain is an area that even a benign tumor can "act" malignant because of the location. Because of everything being so compact. So this explains why the Oncologist felt like there would be therapy beyond this regardless the type if tumor. Again, chemotherapy will be first option.
We claim the power you have given us to speak to this tumor that it be DETACHED and REMOVED! That none of the above will apply! YOUR power will be the ONLY thing that will apply in this area!
Surgery / Recovery / ICU time frames and updates:
***Surgery is pending other cases that arise from now until then, in which we can call tonight for a more accurate schedule but she is case #2 and starting time for case #1 is 8am but could be a short surgery.
***Recovery is normally a couple of hours, just depending on surgery results
***ICU...they really estimate with Malaya being a few days, IF hormone complications arise then it will be at least 2-3 weeks.
***Updates will be given throughout the surgery
***If treatments is the result from this surgery, then it is 'possible' that she would be released before oncologist start the treatments
I so hope I have been clear. The oncologist is here now!
Keep Praying ... Y'all Are MOVING Mountains with our Mighty God!
We love you all 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Prayer Meeting for Malaya - Wood Industries - Belmont, MS

Monday August 27, 2012 @ 7:00pm For everyone that will, lets join together in prayer for Malaya at Wood Industries,INC Parking lot in Belmont, MS. Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." I have NO DOUBT that if we all gather in his name and pray with our whole heart, that Tuesday this mass will be GONE! My God is the Great Physician and Healer and I know that he can do this. I hope to see you all there. Please repost this and let everyone know. God Bless and Keep the Faith! Organzied by Kayla Dill

Updates from Saturday and Sunday on Malaya

SWAT just left and could not get the IV in and she needs her steroids! They are going to see if someone in Neonatal can break away to do her! This is not normal but if possible they will come! They have a lot of experience with infant IVs! Malaya has went through so much the past 30 mins! Its breaking me! Please Pray Quickly that the vein needed for surgery will rise and take the IV!!!
I know this is back to back but post this... shez under the needle again for third time! And not working! Plz pray hard!

didn't work... nurses from er in here now trying! Please pray!!

I'm standing here holding this precious baby not knowing what's next. Please let the next one that walks in be the one who can find the very vein that doctors will need for surgery to be successful.

An hour later, after 3 nurses, 6-7 sticks and 3 veins blown ... I asked if doctor could please be called before anyone else tries. Normally, as long as someone can see a vein, they have to try. I want an IV in her more than anybody in that room, but there is a point when another option has to be considered for the sake of my sweet baby! The doctor was called and although an IV is what he needs for the steroids to do the job for surgery, he ordered for steroids to be administered orally tonight and will reassess in the morning! So she can have a break and hopefully some rest. Steroids are every 6 hours so maybe she will still get one good rest before any of the hyperness or fussiness starts! I'm thankful for the prayers and God is STILL in control, He is STILL honoring everyone's prayers, He is STILL the One who loves Malaya more than even me and will not let her suffer!! I repeat this over and over and over until it sinks i...
n!! How many know how quick the flesh can rise when it comes to watching your child look at you in so much pain!! I will be honest, I have been amazed of the strength God has put in me because I look back at the last 4 days & think how in the world have I been so calm?! But I stand before you right now as a broken mother who is in much needed prayer! I do not want to take anything away from my Malaya but I need intercession on my behalf for a moment! I am numb with no words to say or thoughts to share! Fill me Oh God that Your Spirit overflows me with your comfort! I need a touch from You & feel so guilty to ask for it, when I look at her! But for a moment I am crying and begging for a refreshing and extra dose of what You have given me thru all of this! I shall NOT bow down to doubt anger and fear! I shall NOT allow you satan to come against me now!!! But I WILL finish what God has planned, I WILL be victorious in your scheme to destroy my precious girl, I WILL rise from this moment I am having because Gods Plan Is Working In Jesus Name!
Dr. Rozelle's assistant has already came around to see how Malaya done with the steroid orally. I had put it in 2oz of fruit pedialyte and she took it perfectly. The nurse was so relieved last night when she seen how well she took it because it is such a horrible taste. She is also taking the Zantac well with pedialyte. Although they prefer it in the IV due to the main reason being that it softens the area where they plan to go in at, but after studying what Malaya has went thru and needing some good veins for surgery, they will most likely keep her orally today. He will consult with Dr. Rozelle's and be back by this morning. If this is the case, please pray that this steroid will absorb and soften the area in such a way as if it had been coming through an IV the whole time!

I want to share something for anyone who might need to hear it today. I learned first hand yesterday how easily we can assume we are doing the right thing, simply because it's a 'good thing' and if it's 'good' then it's God but there is also priorities of the 'timing' when we do good things! Yesterday morning, very early as some of you know I finished trying to reply to messages all the way back to Thursday morning! I didn't think it would take me long and felt like it was the 'right' thing to do, being that they all had took the time out to text me and to pray for Malaya! I found myself looking at the clock at 12 then 1 then 2 and 3:00 I was still texting. Of course there were times of caring for Malaya but each time I looked at the clock something inside me was saying You know what You should be doing! What I mean by this is, since the wind got knocked out of me on Tuesday August 21st...God has literally put an everlasting supernatural power in me like I have never known! I cannot even stress to you how REAL He has made Himself to be in me! And as I looked back, I seen how He kept me so focused on things that there was NO time to be sitting around becoming bitter, which would be easy to do looking at my baby girl knowing what was attacking her little brain! Wednesday was a day that all I could do was think of others, think of a way to reach others through this! God was so powerful in my prayer that I sent out that day so if you got it or someone had forward it to you...You always remember that wasn't Ingrid that was God making a way to reach you! But anyways, that day was focused on prayers for others! Thursday was a day of constant non stop doctors and nurses throughout the day! Hardly no time to even pick up my phone! Friday we still had lots of doctors in and out but all day God was dealing with me about fasting! I realized that in 3 days I had had one meal other than that it had been a cracker here and there with a drink. And I just couldn't believe how strong I felt, not an ounce of weariness! So I thought this would be a perfect time to fast! So Friday was a focus on fasting! Well Friday morning as I putting on my Armor of God which is something I try to do before I even get out of bed each day is read Ephesians 6:10-20... I challenge you to try that and see how much more focused you are that day in being tuned in with God. But as I read it Friday morning, the words "and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God" it stopped me in my tracks and reminded me how powerful the word really is and how when we speak out scriptures, satan & every working demon he has that is coming against you has to stop! It's like shining a light on a vampire, they can't stand it and have to flee! I was so excited about this revelation that I told mother tomorrow I am going to focus on Scriptures!! It's going to be Saturday and should be less chaotic and I know that what God is giving me to focus on for tomorrow! Now I've already told you how I started my day yesterday and if you have read the updates of yesterday afternoon, you will see exactly what I am talking about when I say if your priorities are not lined up with what God is wanting you to do, don't complain when that day is full of disappointments or at the end of the day you feel like nothing was accomplished! I literally started at 5:30am texting! I did not put on the Armor of God and I did not focus on Scriptures! I had already started a list of scriptures from people sharing them with me so it's not like God had not already handed me an easy starting point! So when I was watching the clock tick past each hour after lunch there was such a heaviness coming over me but I compromised my thinking because I told myself I was doing the right thing by replying back and look at all the wonderful conversations I've had today sharing my story on what God is doing!! All that was well and 'good' but it was NOT what God has intended me to do & I ignored my conviction all afternoon! Then my feet were knocked out from under me when we went through the IV ordeal and the strength that God had given me so powerfully through this was not there and it was my fault, my choice! I just wanted to stress this because satan is so slick with BUSYNESS! Speaking for myself, it is the number one thing he uses with me and I can whine all day about my reasons with 4 kids and a hard working husband having to be gone alot but they are not reasons, they are excuses because if we MAKE the time for GOD just like we MAKE the time for all the running around we do, imagine how peaceful our day just might go! He Makes Time For Us! He Blessed Me With This Wonderful Family! Why in the world could I not even give Him 5 minutes yesterday morning?! It humbles me to my knees when I think about how many times I break His heart when He looks down at me choosing my time for something else after all He has done and how He longs for our praises! The bible says our praises is like a sweet aroma to Him! Yes, I was a broken hearted mother yesterday but my choices led me to that position! If ihad focused on scriptures and spent my day speaking out the word over Malaya and that room, my spirit would have been STRONG and that Prayer Warrior would have been READY in me! So I just wanted to share that with whoever needed it! Take a moment and check your daily schedule, can't you work in 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there, simply to just put a smile on Our Wonderful Savior's face?! Isn't He worthy today?! It's Sunday and it's usually easier on Sunday but shout out some praises to Him through the week! Prayer does not have to based on a NEED or a WANT ... Take some prayer time and Praise Him!!! He loves to hear it! He loves when your acknowledging it! He Loves You!!!! So needless to say, I have already put my armor on this morning and fixing to hit the scriptures if you would like to share one! I am so very very grateful for each and every person that has posted, ones that I know and don't know! Belmont, you will never ever know what it has meant to us what you have done on our daughters behalf! There is no way to even repay our gratitude because our little town is Big & Mighty and You have been an inspiration to people all around the world seeing Your faith or testimony on PRAYERS FOR MALAYA WOOD! We are ever so grateful and love you all. Special thanks to Rachel for getting the Prayer Cloth Request going! If your church would like to anoint and pray over one at service this morning, you can drop it off at Wood Industries Office Entrance! She is going to make a blanket for Malaya to have for surgery! Special thanks to Kayla for setting up the Prayer Meet at Wood Industries parking lot Monday night at 7pm! Yall are "Setting the Atmosphere" for God and his angels to move mighty Tuesday morning at 8am!! I am believing it and claiming it! And please note: if you text me today, I may not reply :):):)***LessonLearned


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Late Update on Malaya from Day 3 (4th Visit-Opthalmologist): 

We had a late unexacting visit from Dr. Stephen Cross. He had went over his reviews with his attending doctor and was sent back to take pictures of Malaya's eyes for his review. He mentioned that the hypothalamus area seems to be the area that is being affected rather than the pituitary gland especially after looking at hormone levels and studying the MRI more. This gives them several other things to consider what is affecting her eyelids because certain cranial nerves that control face muscles, etc run close to the hypothalamus. They are not saying the tumor is causing any pressure on those nerves but it is a possibility!
Lord you see every artery vessel vein and muscle! And the doctor says a vein can snap and dissolve in an instant from pressure but that is NOT what you say!!! It's another day and another opinion but God, when I woke up this morning I gave my day to you! And Your opinion is all that matters to me! Lord, I am so thankful that you have given Malaya a team of careful and thorough doctors, keep Your hand over them throughout this but I will not accept this negative "possibility" spoken over her and I claim that Malaya's journey will go on as planned! in Jesus Sweet Name!!! Amen and Amen!
Ingrid C. Wood

Bad news is 2nd IV came out this morning :( Good news is since all needles are out, our sweet nurse let us give her a bath :) She is so refreshed and free from cords for a short while! They are sending SWAT to do the new IV since it took 2 hours for the first one in the ER!

Lord...you see how busy SWAT is taking care of other needs today and I just ask that You allow some free time for them to come within the next 5 hours before her next steroid dose so that the nurses on this floor won't have to try! We love You so very much on how You turn bad into good because even though we did not want that IV to come out, it was a blessing! You seen her little foot how bruised and swollen it was when we couldn't thru the wrap!! You amaze me how gracious You are, even about the little things such as how good a bath made Malaya feel!! Let Your People Be Blessed With A Smile :):):)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Malaya's clothe

Malaya holding her prayer clothe that Cornerstone Church anointed for her when Chloe Watson stood in the gap for her Wednesday night and the whole church came together while Big Sister cried out to God for His Grace  to Heal Our Beautiful Malaya :) It has been in her hands, inside her clothes, under her head while she sleeps, under the sheet while being examined or in my hand since Jeff brought it Thursday morning! We are Claiming Your Word God On The Anointed Prayer Clothe... James 5:13-18
Update on Malaya - Birmingham Day 3 ... 2nd & 3rd Visit (Oncology & Endocrine) along with PRECAUTIONS

Oncologist - Alyssa Reddy
Her thoughts were overall on Malaya's blood work this morning, everything actually looked better, regarding the TSH levels. The white blood count was not checked. She did seem confident that regardless of the end result, treatment would come afterwards, either benign or malignant. Of course malignant would bring a more aggressive chemotherapy but even if it's benign, chemotherapy at a different type and level would most likely be the route she would go. Radiation is just to dangerous for a small developing brain as hers. She also stressed several times of the location of the tumor being a difficult place to be confident that it can all be gotten, due to of course the brain right above and all the main arteries, veins, vessels, etc. she went on to explain the 2 main arteries that come into the brain and that one appears to run right through the tumor. When I asked the size, Her assistant offered to pull out the computer screen in the room and show it to us. Jeff and I both, at the same time, without hesitation said yes. He told us you would be surprised at how many parents do not want to see. So for the very first time, we laid our eyes on this horrible monster that is attacking our sweet Malaya! I honestly believe that Jeff and I were able to be so bold and strong to want to see it because of all of you! It was like I was on the outside looking at us, thinking WOW, how are able to stand here strong and eager to see for ourself and try to learn new questions for us to have answered! All of you! All around the world that has posted...is exactly why! As she measured she said it was quite large ... 4x4cm! But the good news was there was literally no edema (swelling) all the way around it except a very very small place which she stressed was wonderful! During our conversations, Malaya laid there smiling at everyone the whole time. The doctor was amazed at how content she was and very much attentive of everyone in the room and understood what a shock this must be after hearing that this is and has always been Malaya's nature! Of course, details of anything else was encouraged to wait till after surgery until a more definite answer. She will also be sending us some really good literature to read before surgery.

Endocrine Specialist - Kenneth McCormack
He came in very very happy about her blood work. The elevated TSH is back down to normal. Which tells him she is in great shape, hormonal wise, for surgery. His view on the MRI was that there is a pituitary gland and the hypothalamus and the reading stated that it was "near or touching" the hypothalamus. This is located in the right frontal location. The things to look for that are essential for her care is that the 2 most important hormones are thyroid and cortisol. Cortisol being the one needed for many body functions. Malaya's is great but made us aware that all these levels can change drastically after surgery. But the good news is if there are changes and losses that it is treatable by medicine that Malaya would have to stay on. They will be studying very closely after her surgery.

The Dr.'s have advised us to be extra cautious with visitors over the next few days. We can not afford for someone to come in that might be sick or that has been in contact with someone that might have some type of virus or illness. Malaya's immune system is already weak, they say the tumor is most likely soaking up her energy. So we have to make sure we keep her well for surgery!
There's sanitizer, mask, gloves, etc outside the waiting area before you enter the floor she's on.  We know it's a long drive, so we don't expect a lot people to be here. However we don't want to discourage anyone that feels led to visit from coming as well. We just wanted to impress on those who are considering to be aware of the precautions they have told us. I believe we can all agree that we would not want anything to prolong surgery!

Thank you for all the prayers! Please please continue!  

Ingrid C. Wood

Update on Malaya - Birmingham Day 3 ... 1st Visit (Neurosurgeon-Curtis Rozelle)

The neurosurgeon was here at 8 am this morning to see Malaya and see if we had questions from the doctors yesterday and if they all made it in to see her. He told us that he is the doctor on call this weekend so he would be in and out all weekend to answer any more questions! He has Tuesday at 8am for surgery time. He will be explaining in more detail later about surgery procedures etc but will start Malaya on some steroids to control any swelling and will also help her with her energy and bring her to the best condition she can be for surgery. He felt of her soft spot on top of her head and said it was very soft and sunken ... Which is great because that shows there is no swelling going on therefore no pressure. In some cases, surgery has to be immediate without alot of planning for babies due to this ... So another blessing! He expects for the endocrine doctor to be in next, we do not know what time.

Malaya woke up, again in the best mood and full of energy and all smiles. We noticed after taking her bottle and blood being drawn, she became very tired quickly and is back asleep. Please be praying over her veins, nurses had difficulty again getting blood and it just broke my heart to see her look at me in such pain as they continued to try.

Lord, we just give this day to You and start out by praising You and thanking You for another day! We are so very thankful that You made a way for the very surgeon, that we believe You hand-picked, is also going to be the ONLY surgeon that Malaya will be in the care of all the way through surgery! Only You can make things like that possible!!! We also thank you Lord that these doctors are given the time to plan and for all Your people to pray before surgery has to be done!! We do not take for granted that this is special for Malaya to not have swelling that would lead to an urgent surgery! We are so very grateful for that God! We love You!

Ingrid C. Wood

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Finishing thoughts for what is now yesterday.

As I am getting ready to retire and try to sleep, which is hard for me anyway but more so with Malaya on my mind, I just wanted to share a few things.  Today now yesterday, as sat in front of this computer trying to figure out about this blog and keeping my facebook open to add all the requests to the Prayers for Malaya Wood page; I was so overwhelmed by the requests for adds and the prayers, love, caring, and support for this family when McKenzie King's update came across my newsfeed of her return home.  What a wonderful miracle the King family has be blessed with.  No I do not know this family personally but have followed her progress and sent up my prayers just the same.  If you just stop and think, read the post about this young lady, of the miracle God performed in her then how could anyone dispute the fact that our Almighty God is real. 

Later I was talking with my sister and told her of another little girl I had seen on facebook from Brookhaven, MS.  5 years old and just on Tuesday had underwent brain surgery. Her name is Kaley "Prayers for Kaley" is her facebook page.  So I looked some more and found a 5 month old Alexander waiting on a heart transplant. She knows an 11 month old Kailynn from Haleyville with a rare blood disease, with no available cure.  So very heartbreaking. There are so many out there that need our prayers and the healing hand of God tonight.  I pray for them all! I pray the Lord will work a miracle in not only Malaya's life but for all the sick and hurting.

I hope that after reading the 3 days thus far of Malaya's journey that it will some way touch your life as it has touched mine. 

Goodnight and God Bless!


First off, I want to apologize to anyone who has called or text today. It's been an overwhelming day of doctors, nurses, visitors and so much information to contain! I will briefly give what was told today the best way I can and tomorrow will be visits from all Attending Doctors with their thoughts and plans after going over today's observations. And at the end, I wanted to share the spiritual part of the day which is just as, if not more, important than the doctors views today.

The mass is quite large and in the middle of the brain, meaning that the brain has actually capped over it. They also could see the optic track, which is connected to the back of the eye and normally shoots across straight into the back of the brain where it attaches, on the MRI they can clearly see it attached to the eye then rise up over the mass and comes across the top all the way to the back. These things tell him that he feels the tumor has been there quite some time, possibly during pregnancy and as Malaya's brain has developed and grown, so has this tumor. Because of her age and uncertainty of what type of tumor and not knowing where it is attached is why he has set her surgery for Tuesday and his plan is to go in "prepared" to remove all of it but was very clear that this very well might not be the case, once he goes in and sees anything at all that he questions her safety, he will only do biopsy of a piece but assured me that ANY area that was clear to be removed that he would take that opportunity to remove all he can! He wants to cover everything before anything is done and has full confidence in the teams that are coming in today to see her!

Did different tests on her eyes then had them dilated. His findings were, surprisingly to him after seeing the MRI for himself, that there are no signs of her vision and capability of following objects and light and being focused on objects or people! Amen and Amen!

Endocrine Specialist
Explained that TSH levels were elevated which shows over activity of the pituitary gland in which the mass is very close to. Could mean several different things, such as the gland itself is enlarged OR the thyroid glands are inactive causing the pituitary gland to over work. Other things to be considered after consulting with her attending doctor tomorrow before they visit us.

Explained that all her levels across the board were actually showing normal, which after looking at the MRI himself, was surprised that the TSH and White Blood Count were the only things elevated and actually, in his opinion, are slightly elevated, for example the WBC normal is 5,000 to 12-14,000 ... Malaya's was 20,000 which tells them yes something is going on and with babies in this situation, theirs could shoot up at any time if they were to come in contact with a virus, etc. But babies with tumors usually have a much more elevated count. Did not want to really discuss chemotherapy or radiation until there was a definite diagnosis, just because he doesn't want to put any more worries or concern on us than we already have. We understood and greatly appreciated it.

Malaya's well being today was woke up very chirpy and happy and kicking and playful. Where our her right eye has been the one of concern, her left eye showed similar signs. No one actually seemed very concerned when I brought it to their attention. Please pray for this little head cold she has ... She already has lost energy the past 3 weeks but the past 3 days have just zapped her so when she's having to fight to breathe because of her nose just makes her feel worse. And could be the result of right eye changes because of sinus pressure and such! So please pray for a healing there. We need her as healthy as possible for surgery! But overall, she has taken her milk very very well and they were very pleased to know that. They explained in their experience, babies are very fussy and tend to lose appetite! Malaya has never been a fussy baby and even though she has went through traumatizing things for any 7 month old, she just is not fussing at all. She does sleep alot and doesn't keep energy up to play but a few minutes but she has that beautiful smile that everyone has just fell in love with here! Outstanding hospital and workers so keep praying for them all here! It is working! I believe that God is sending exactly who we are praying for! Tomorrow I will have a list of each of their names so that you all can pray specifically for them :)

We Love You All So Very Very Much and again...I am so deeply sorry for those I have not text or called back! But I have literally been working throughout the day on this and just kept getting pulled off of it and my phone is here with over 40 messages I have not opened! I am so sorry and you are very important to me but I knew I had to get this to Lisa so that the word could get out much much quicker!

Special thanks to:
Brother Ben Young and his wife of Cornerstone
Brother Kerry Lee and Truman Peden
Brother Bill McCann
for making special trip down here yesterday and today to simply pray with us and pray over Malaya! We do not take it lightly the drive you made for just a short visit at a hospital 2 hours away! You have touched us so much! We love you all...

And very special thanks for Lisa Moses to be led to build this fb page and her blog! Thank you for allowing God to use you to spread this word in a much better way than Jeff and I could ever do with texting and calling!

Spiritual Moments of the Day

The morning started a little dark and defeated with worry, doubt and fear after meeting with the neurosurgeon. So after his team left the room, there was such a heaviness in the room and over myself and mother, that I couldn't even think straight and hardly breathe. I know there are many of you who can relate to this feeling of helplessness and out of control that you literally are going in circles, accomplishing nothing and I picked my phone up and seen I had over 20 messages waiting to be read and anxiety hit me with what do I say when I am not even clear myself of how to grasp all of this, about that time the phone rang and it was a pastor from a church north of Birmingham, whom had a member there that shared with the church an email he had received from Jeff (he was someone jeff met thru business and had confidence in his prayers) and the church united in prayer and he felt led to call the hospital this morning and offer anything at all that we might need and asked to pray before we hung up. His prayer was perfect timing just like God always is! In his prayer, he reminded me to speak to the tumor! I knew in the bible, it teaches us that we have been given the power, through the blood of Jesus Christ, to speak against evil spirits that come against us and even though I had been speaking against things, I had not actually spoke straight to the tumor itself to be removed. So needless to say, as soon as we hung up the phone I knew I could not get back on my phone and talk or text anybody, much less make it through whatever this day had to hold without having an encounter with God and I don't mean a little prayer either ... I mean a deep down, soul cleansing, spirit filled, demon fighting kind of encounter with God! And that is exactly what we had! Satan fought me so hard at the beginning that I couldn't even find the words to say! Have you ever been so overwhelmed with your mind that your heart is wanting to cry out but the words were not there? It's very frustrating but I am hear to tell you that you can speak to that spirit of confusion and doubt to leave and command it to stop tormenting you! The mind is a devils playground but the key is that although satan likes to play there, he cannot read your mind and thoughts! The only thing he has to go on is words spoken out loud! That's why it's so important to be cautious of what we say because if we are speaking negative and doubtful things on this situation, we are giving him all permission to take those words and run with them to setup his next trick or scheme! So I just started speaking for those things to leave and claiming that I am a child of God and by the power he had invested in me through His precious precious son Jesus Christ, I command you spirit of doubt confusion worry and fear to leave. You are not welcomed or wanted here. I speak to this tumor to be removed! You evil work of satan has been revealed and brought to light so you will not finish the plan of the evil one because My God is a Mighty God and she belongs to Him and My Prayer Partners are Mighty Prayer Warriors and with us all You are defeated! I speak death on this tumor that there is NO life in it anymore! And the word of God says, whatever so be bound on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatsoever be loosened on earth shall be loosened in heaven so we bind you satan and we bind every evil working spirit you have attacking my sweet baby girl and we loosen every sweet fruit of the spirit to fill this room and our hearts, mind, soul and spirits! Let your presence God fall so heavily in this room that every doctor and nurse that walk in, no matter what kind of day they've had...it is left at the door and your holiness surrounds them as they examine and test Malaya. That their minds be filled with clarity and discernment so that their decisions are of You God, not of them! We apply the blood again over Malaya, from the top of her precious head to the bottom of her little feet! All negative words of doubt confusion fear and worry being spoken, intentional and unintentional ... I call them void and null and they are under our feet! We ask to fill us with positive thinking and an extra ounce of faith and courage today! Today is the beginning of a journey that is held in Your Hands and beg for whatever you see fit to prepare us for what's ahead! I praise you for yesterday and how you moved mightily in peoples lives and God if that is Malaya's purpose on this earth then show me how you want to reach to your people! God you have seen all the testimonies and even though it is very hard for me to fight self-pity and anger, I am so very thankful for being a part of You having your will be done in all these people, even the ones I don't even know! As hard as it is to say this, I stand before you with my precious Malaya and I remind myself of your precious son, whom you loved so very much and watched being crucified and allowed his death on the cross because you loved me more, because you loved Malaya more, because you loved that person who gave their life to you today after reading our prayer of her situation, because of all these persevering prayer warriors that have rose over this situation so God let Your Will Be Done in whoever is touched by Malaya's life directly and indirectly! This has knocked the life out of me but You've known all along God ... You've known all along!!! So I shall take comfort in that and pray your plan follow through for Malaya and everyone You have been trying to reach and they have been running from You! But I am a mother and I ask, no I beg of You to protect Malaya through it all. I love you so very much! Thank you for everything!! Bless all your wonderful people in little town of Belmont that has showed such a compassion for others & has unselfishly devoted prayer after prayer after prayer! Lord, you see each and every one of them ... From the oldest elders in churches to the precious little ones at Mrs Marlo's who made signs of scriptures and encouraging words yesterday ... Bless them ten fold God! Meet their needs in their life God! They will never know how their prayers and even their texts of sharing their own personal experience in this kind of situation has lifted us and literally has pushed through each hour in the spirit rim to be of sound mind and body by the end of each day!

Ingrid C. Wood

Prayers and thoughts from Ingrid

Last night I posted this on the facebook page from Ingrid:

 I have been overwhelmed but very, very grateful of the 100s and 100s of messages...it has brought us encouragement thru every hour of this sudden shock in our lives. Please share your prayers and thoughts...Maybe even testimonies of people who have turned their life around or even their way of thinking when it comes to compromising God's will in their life! Please pray that we stay focused on God's plan for whomever that He is allowing this to happen for; that their lives be transformed including our own! It would be easy to look at this sweet angel when she smiles at me and question. But God has a plan and no matter what the end result is, I have to remember that even though a mothers love is endless and beyond measure...as mine is for Malaya... that God loves her even more and has a purpose behind everything. Even the bad and that's when we need held up with prayers of strength, courage, peace, understanding, and confirmations on the whys of this situation. We are only human and will have our moments of total loss of words and feelings but God is a Mighty God and knows exactly what we can handle!

This is the prayer she sent out last night:

God I know you work sometimes in these ways when you are trying to get someones attention! God if its me, I beg for forgiveness and show me the changes in me that I have not been seeking you on and if it is for anybody else that you are allowing this to happen to reach them...God please protect her and bring her thru no matter what!! And whoever it is that you are waiting to see a change I stand in the gap for them right now in the name of Jesus and bring down every bit of pride, anger, bitterness, or unforgiveness that they are holding on to when you have been trying to set them free! I am so guilty of these things and more and I give you all the Praise for starting a work in me on the night of July 25. I accept there is even more junk that you are wanting to free me from. You have been preparing me when I did not even know it! Whoever is in need..Open your heart and your eyes and allow God to move in you! Please do not hesitate! Satan has stolen your joy and God is waiting to restore it. Please!!! Forgive me dear God for holding on to these things and now I stand unworthy to ask but you said to believe and ask in Jesus name..I am believing in your miracle on Malaya and us who are in need. I am asking in Jesus name to let it be done. Let it be done! Let us claim victory today but for it all to be for your glory! I love you God! I am so grateful for my life! I give you all the praise for the good a and bad we are face with! Satan, you are a liar and Malaya belongs to God! The blood of Jesus has been applied over her precious body and you must submit to that blood! You still stand defeated now and forever!  Please pray with me everyone! I love you all and so grateful for your prayers! Share this with anyone you know that needs a touch from God! They don't have to know Malaya.  They just need to know God loves them!

She said, "I really feel like I should share it because God is wanting to move and I do not want to pass up the opportunity for someone to happen to read it and God meet a need in their life!" 

She is showing amazing strength, courage, and this is just another way to see God's power, that in her time of need she is also concerned about others needs from God.

Prayers for Malaya Wood

Today my heart is sadden by the news of my cousins 8 month old baby girl, Malaya Wood.  She is the daughter of Jeff and Ingrid Wood from Belmont, MS.  She has a big sister, Chloe, and two big brothers, Caden and Madden.  Below is an update from her mother yesterday.

UPDATE FROM INGRID: No surgery tomorrow for Malaya. Bringing in a group of each: Oncologists, Opthamologists, Endocrine Specialists, and NeuroSurgeons. Each will check Malaya and go over all blookwork and the MRI tomorrow. Some time toward the end of the day, they will have a tumor conference. Each will speak on their opinions and hope that the decision made is the very best for Malayas concern! The reason for this is because it is a very large mass. The good news is that 3/4 is NOT attached to her brain. PRAISE THE LORD! But the concern is "what it is attached to". Whether it is actually growing from the eye area itself or elsewhere which is causing the thyroids to not be functioning. Also, what type of tumor has to be determined by the oncologists. Whether it is cancer? So a lot of observation tomorrow and hopefully a decision will be made. If not, it will be Friday. Pray for these groups of Doctors please!! That it will be a decision that everyone is in unity on and she will not have to suffer.

There has been a facebook group set up for her called Prayers for Malaya Wood.  If you are a facebook user please join the group and help us prayer that God will heal this baby and uphold her family.  It is very heartwarming that so many people have already joined the group and are praying reverently for this child and her family.  God doesn't promise any of us tomorrow and we never know when we might be in the same shoes they walk in today.  It doesn't matter where you come from, what your skin color is, whether you have worldly possessions or not; any one of us can face our darkest hours at any moment and need desperately what this family needs now....our prayers.

I will post updates on this precious child when I get them.  Just continue the prayers, please.